In this page you will find informations about the use of the NoiseCapture app.
NoiseCapture is an Android application. To install it, you have to follow these instructions:
Below is presented a full description on how to use NoiseCapture, allowing to record noise in a good conditions:
To use NoiseCapture, there is only two requirements:
Once you launched the application, you will arrive on this "home page" (see on the right). In this interface, you have:
Once you started the recording (you clicked on the dedicated icon), you obtain this interface (on the left), with the following informations:
During the recording, you have the possibility to change the representation mode. Here, by clicking on the dedicated tabs, you have the choice between:
When your measure is finished, you are invited* to describe your track through the following entries:
Once you validated the description part, you can see the resulting measure informations. Here you have:
In the map panel, you have:
In the application menu, you can access to the "History" page. Here you can:
Guidelines for a relevant measure:
Practical tips for measurement: