Scientific tools for environmental noise assessment
According to World Health Organization, the excessive noise seriously harms human health and interferes with people's daily activities at school, at work, at home and during leisure time. It can disturb sleep, cause cardiovascular and psychophysiological effects, reduce performance and provoke annoyance responses and changes in social behaviour". The reduction of noise pollution is therefore a major challenge for society.
Explore noise maps produced within the project. See maps at this page.
Some of the data produced in this project are distributed in an open way under the ODbL licence. See our data section at:
The aim of this website is to propose new tools, based on scientific researches, for the environmental noise assessment. The Noise-Planet project is led by two public French research teams, recognized in their field of expertise, the Joint Research Unit in Environmental Acoustics (UMRAE) for environmental noise research and the DECIDE Team (Lab-STICC - CNRS UMR 6285) for Geographic Information Sciences
Because Noise-Projet deals with Open Science, they are many ways to contribute to the project: contribute to the source codes, report issues, propose new translations, write documentation, contribute to the data collection, give us your feedback...
Any questions? Please contact us.