Logo OnoMap OnoMap SDI

OnoMap is a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) and stands for "Open noise Map". It is a central component in the Noise-Planet project because it provides all the tools to store, catalog, share and display noise data, based on common and standardized langages and encoding from OGC.

SDI architecture

Logo OnoMap

OnoMap is composed of 5 open-source softwares:

  • Relationnal Spatial database: using "PostGreSQL/PostGIS" softwares, it allows to store, organize and process data,
  • Cartographic server: here "GeoServer" is used to render data (stored in the db) into standardized streams such as WMS, WFS...
  • WebCarto library: using "LeafLet", this component allows to create an interactive and web-oriented map to visualize and consult noise data,
  • Processing: here "H2GIS" and "OrbisGIS" are used to describe and execute Web Processing Service (WPS) scripts in order to process data,
  • Metatadata catalog: based on "Geonetwork", this component allows to describe and search information about data.

Cite OnoMap

If you want to cite OnoMap in a scientific paper (or else), please refer to this article:
Bocher et al. 2016, OnoM@p : a Spatial Data Infrastructure dedicated to noise monitoring based on volunteers measurements, PeerJ Preprints 4:e2273v2

OnoMap in action

The OnoMap SDI is currently used by within the NoiseCapture approach.