Organisation How it works?

Below are presented some rules related to the Noise-Planet project and its sub-components (NoiseCapture & NoiseModelling).

Basic rules

Basic rules for the development and dissemination of results and productions:

  • Unless otherwise stated, all productions (computer codes, documentation, etc.) produced are provided to the community under open license (GPLv3 or other if applicable).
  • Wherever possible, the tools used to develop the Noise-Planet ecosystem are free and open-source.
  • As far as possible, the tools used to develop the Noise-Planet ecosystem work on both Linux and Windows (cross-platform).
  • Any contribution to the computer code, documentation, translation... is considered as acceptance of the license used.

Contribute to the project

There are two ways to contribute to the project:

By contributing via one of the project's development platforms: Contributor

  • As soon as a Party contributes to the development of the code, documentation, translation, discussions via the project development platforms, or via any tool or service of the project, the Party becomes a Contributor.
  • By becoming a Contributor, a Party accepts the conditions defined by the Contributor's Individual or Entity Contributor Licence Agreement.
  • If a Party contributes on behalf of an organization, it is its responsibility to ensure that it has obtained the agreement of its organization.
  • Unless specifically requested otherwise, all contributors are listed in a List of Contributors.

By becoming a Member of a body of the project: Member

  • As soon as a party, individually or as part of its organization, joins a body of the Noise-Planet project, it becomes a Contributor to the project, under the same conditions as before.
  • By becoming a Member of the Project, the Party accepts the Project's intellectual property rules.

Contributor licence agreement

For legal reasons, if contributors want their contribution to be added in the next Noise-Planet, NoiseCapture or NoiseModelling releases, they are invited to agree with a Contributor License Agreement:

Contributors must fill one of these forms and send the signed version by mail at:

Intellectual Property

The rules below apply only to Members of the Project instances.

Previous knowledge

By becoming a Member of a body of the Noise-Planet project, each Party remains the owner of all information, processes, technologies, know-how, whatever their nature and medium, and all associated intellectual property rights (in particular patents or patent applications) acquired prior to its membership in a body of the Project.

Own results

"Own result" refers to any result obtained by a Party alone, without the assistance of another Party, i.e. without the participation in terms of inventive or intellectual activity in the execution of its contribution to the project.
As soon as a Member contributes to the Project, the Member or contributor in question tacitly agrees that its own results may be transferred to the Noise-Planet project in accordance with the relevant licences, while retaining its status as Author of the production.

Common results

"Common results" are any results developed as a result of a member's participation in the Project jointly by staff from at least two Parties and whose characteristics are such that it is not possible to separate the intellectual contribution of each of these Parties for the application or obtaining of an intellectual property right.
The Parties that have generated common results are, in principle, co-authors. By becoming a Member of one of the bodies of the project, all the Parties concerned by common results tacitly accept that its common results and its own results be transferred to the Noise-Planet project, respecting the licences concerned, while maintaining their status as Production co-Author.
The Parties at the origin of a joint result may, if they so wish, consult each other in order to attribute ownership to one or more of them. The associated terms and conditions are the responsibility of the Parties in question.

Technical developments


Contributions to computer codes (both for Noise-Planet and its components) must be made via the GitHub platform, on the dedicated repositories listed below:


The translation of Noise-Planet or one of its components is done using the free Transifex platform, at the following addresses:


The tools, repositories and services listed here are maintained and administered by Steering Committee members.