"Noise-Planet" is a project born from a collaboration, started in 2008, between researchers and engineers, specialized in acousitcs (UMRAE / Université Gustave Eiffel (formerly Ifsttar and LCPC)) and geographic information sciences (Lab-STICC / CNRS).
Below are presented the highlights of this project through a timeline.
Already 1 year since the official release of #NoiseCapture ! 🎂
— Noise-Planet (@Noise_Planet) 31 août 2018
So much has been accomplished, thanks to our worlwide community.
Thank you all for your support and participation. This incredible initiative could not live without you 🤩
Made by @CNRS & @Ifsttar @ENERGIC_OD #open pic.twitter.com/DKBoHwLSi0
#NoiseCapture stats - Updates (Mise à jour) 📢💪📈
— Noise-Planet (@Noise_Planet) 8 février 2018
- 27 000 installations
- 8 575 000 points of measure / 46 440 tracks (traces)
- 175 countries (pays)
- 100 days of measure (jours de mesure)
- App avalaible in (dispo en) 🇫🇷🇬🇧🇩🇪🇮🇹🇪🇸🇨🇳& brezhoneg
🙏👏💙@CNRS @Ifsttar pic.twitter.com/AdP3os2whA
NoiseModelling is now integrated into OrbisGIS v5.1.
01dB Acoem and Noise-Planet announce a partnership around the NoiseCapture project.
Within the Digital Week 2017 context, organization of the first public NoiseCapture party in Pornichet, France.
NoiseCapture is available on the Google Play store for all users (not only beta testers).
For simplification reasons, NoiseMap is renamed NoiseModelling.
CNRS and Ifsttar join forces to create the Noise-Planet project and help disseminating tools.
The OnoMap Spatial Data Infrastructure is working.
Within the ENERGIC-OD project (funded by EU and GeoPAL).
Development of the NoiseCapture application begins.
Within the ENERGIC-OD project (funded by EU and GeoPAL).
NoiseMap is now based on the H2GIS open-source spatial (R)DBMS.
NoiseMap takes into acount the 3D diffraction, the building's heigth and the floor effects.
End of the Eval-PDU project. NoiseMap makes it possible to create 2D noise maps.