Logo Noise-Planet The Project

Scientific tools for environmental noise assessment

The Noise-Planet project aims to provide a global and generic framework dedicated to the collect, the modelisation and the assessment of environmental noise measures.

This project is divided in three main parts:

  • the OnoMap Spatial Data Infrastructure (described here),
  • the "Measuring" module,
  • the "Modelling" module.

"Measuring" module

This module is dedicated to the noise measuring. Data can comes from different sources such as smartphone applications, sensors....
At the moment, this module is only feeded by the NoiseCapture Android application.

"Modelling" module

This module deals with tools developed and used to modelize noise propagation and to compute noise maps.
One of the main tools presented here is NoiseModelling (formerly NoiseM@p), a plugin for the GIS OrbisGIS.